Frequently Asked Questions
Do students in the STEAM, JBBP, and Special Education programs interact?
Yes! While STEAM, JBBP, and Special Education classes are distinct for most of the day, we strive to cultivate and nurture a shared sense of pride as a single school community. Students mix across programs for:
English Language Enrichment (ELE)/English Language Development (ELD)
Science Integration classes
Our buddies program, which mixes STEAM and JBBP students across grades and programs
Morning exercises, recess, and lunch
Assemblies, school- wide family get-togethers, and field trips
How is the 7:50 am start time?
There are many advantages to an early start time.
Traffic is much lighter for driving, bussing, and biking!
No need to coordinate before care - the school building opens and breakfast is available starting at 7:30 am
Parents of multiple children can drop off other kids with less interference
Many parents are able to join the students for morning exercises each day, and still have a minute to grab their coffee before work!
Because many parents are able to stick around, we have a strong parent community.
Is there school fundraising each year? What do those funds support?
Rosa Parks parent groups raise funds for:
our garden program (including a garden coordinator)
classroom stipends for teachers
field trips (including a week-long 5th grade science camp)
community and cultural events
Sensei rainy day fund, and more
Does the school really have chickens?
Yes! We have 5 chickens in our upper garden. The students voted on and named them: Pikachu//Star Eternatus, Totoro, Sunny, Pyopyo, and Oreo.